I want to monitor that a pod in kubernetes is running correctly as cronjob twice a day using stackdriver.
In order to do it I want to send start msg and end msg logs in the pod and I want to create an alert metric in stack driver that if not receiving these msgs after 24 hours, send Email.
Is it possible to do this alerting in stack driver ?
There are several ways of accomplishing this.
In order to generate the event, I think the easiest way is to check on a log-based metric based on the CRON itself. If you are running a kind:CronJob
, you can either use the Metrics Explorer to find Resource type:GKE Container
Metric: Log entries
, and then filter by container_name
(which will be your CronJob spec.containers.name
You could also create a log based metric on something like
...and maybe add a string to the spec.containers.args
section to make filtering easier.
You could also publish to a pub/sub topic and do your alerting on publish message operations.
Once you decide on the metric, you just need to alert if Any time series is absent
[1] for 13 hours. Add a notification channel type=email
[2], and you will receive an alert whenever the cron does not run at least once a day.
[1] https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/alerts/concepts-indepth#condition-types
[2] https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/support/notification-options#email