I have an angular app where I want a side effect to call a service to a 3rd party analytics platform. My thought was to do
Any action fires -> Side effect catches everything -> Service to call analytics
With that said, I obviously don't want to add that flow in every effect. I just want a "catch-all" side effect at the top of the tree to catch any and all Ngrx actions, and instead of dispatching an action, to simply call the service. I am having trouble with the syntax...
export class AmplitudeEffects {
constructor(private actions$: Actions) {}
private *any action here* = this.actions$.pipe( <--what to put here
ofType(), <-- leave empty to catch everything?
mergeMap(() =>
this.amplitudeService.sendValues(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4).pipe(
// catchError(error => of(new AmplitudeFailure(error)))
That's a good use case for an Effect, I also give this example in Start using ngrx/effects for this.
To answer your question, you can just leave the ofType
out of it:
log = this.actions$.pipe(
mergeMap(() =>
this.amplitudeService.sendValues(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4).pipe(
// catchError(error => of(new AmplitudeFailure(error)))
I'm not sure if you do want to catch the error, as this is just for logging purposes, so you could do:
@Effect({ dispatch: false })
log = this.actions$.pipe(
mergeMap(() =>
this.amplitudeService.sendValues(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)