Within the dropdown list are certain pre-defined string values. The Sensor's MAC Address
input field has a Pattern check regex.
I wish to create an object as follows:
'MAC_1': 'location2',
'MAC_2': 'location3'
where the MAC
is entered by the user and location
comes from dropdown list.
Based on a SE Query it is possible to insert values using patchValue
but in the example it only patches the values to an existing key.
How Do I achieve this using Angular Forms?
I have followed the Medium.com Blog on Angular-in-Depth to create reactive forms.
export class TestComponent implements OnInit {
dynamicForm: FormGroup;
macPattern = '^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$';
constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.dynamicForm = this.formBuilder.group({
filters: this.formBuilder.array([])
createFilterGroup() {
return this.formBuilder.group({
mac: new FormControl('', Validators.pattern(this.macPattern)),
loc: []
get filtersFormArray() {
return (this.dynamicForm.get('filters') as FormArray);
addFilterToFiltersFormArray() {
removeFilterFromFiltersFormArray(index) {
getFilterGroupAtIndex(index) {
return (this.filtersFormArray.at(index) as FormGroup);
save() {
which provides me results as follows:
filters: [
loc: location_1
mac: 'AA:BB:CC:11:22:DD',
loc: 'urn:epc:iot:Business.1'
mac: 'AB:23:24:C3:31:23',
loc: 'urn:epc:iot:Business.3'
You just need to map the results to an Object. But the Reactive Form will give you an array. So just write a mapping function that does that for you.
Here, give this a try:
const formData = {
filters: [{
mac: 'AA: BB: CC: DD: EE: FF',
loc: 'location_1'
mac: 'AB:23:24:C3:31:23',
loc: 'urn:epc:iot:Business.3'
const desiredData = {};
formData.filters.forEach(filter => {
desiredData[filter.mac] = filter.loc;