I have created a text file using file operations in python. I want the file to be pushed to my existed GITLAB repository.
I have tried the below code where i get the created file in my local folders.
file_path = 'E:\My material\output.txt'
k= 'Fail/Pass'
with open (file_path, 'w+') as text:
text.write('Test case :' +k)
What is the process or steps or any modifications in file_path to move the created text file to the GITLAB repository through python code.
Using python gitlab module :
We can push the file to the gitlab,but you need to follow the below steps:
Step 1) Clone the repository to your local
Step 2) Add the file to the clonned repository
Step 3) Push the code to the gitlab
import gitlab
import base64
from gitlab import Gitlab
import shutil
callbacks = pygit2.RemoteCallbacks(pygit2.UserPass("Your_private_token", 'x-oauth-basic'))
repoClone = pygit2.clone_repository("https://gitlab.com/group/"+api_name+".git", local_clone_path,checkout_branch=target_branch,callbacks=callbacks) # clonning the repo to local
shutil.copy(src,dst_clone_repo_path) #copy your file to the cloned repo
repoClone.remotes.set_url("origin", "https://gitlab.com/group/"+api_name+".git")
index = repoClone.index
tree = index.write_tree()
oid = repoClone.create_commit('refs/heads/'+target_branch, author, commiter, "init commit",tree,[repoClone.head.peel().hex])
remote = repoClone.remotes["origin"]
credentials = pygit2.UserPass("your_private_token", 'x-oauth-basic') # passing credentials
remote.credentials = credentials
remote.push(['refs/heads/'+target_branch],callbacks=callbacks) # push the code to the gitlab repo