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need to get the images from docker to run in kubernetes error certificate signed by unknown authority

am trying to run a kubernetes cluster in my local machine.I have Installed kubectl,docker toolbox,minikube and virtual box .

Before docker build:

minikube docker env

Did a docker build and am trying to push the docker image in local registry: docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2

after which am trying to push the image to local repo

docker tag d3ecb4966f24 X.X.X.X:2376/image
docker push X.X.X.X:2376/image

Error : x509: certificate signed by unknown authority


  • You got two options:

    1. Bring the registry up with a valid certificate (recommended for production)

    2. Add your registry as insecure in your docker daemons (not recommended for production) :

    Dont do this in production, make it secure

    Add the following to daemon.json

      "insecure-registries" : ["X.X.X.X:2376"]

    Restart docker daemon