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Parallel iteration over array with step size greater than 1

I'm working on a practice program for doing belief propagation stereo vision. The relevant aspect of that here is that I have a fairly long array representing every pixel in an image, and want to carry out an operation on every second entry in the array at each iteration of a for loop - first one half of the entries, and then at the next iteration the other half (this comes from an optimisation described by Felzenswalb & Huttenlocher in their 2006 paper 'Efficient belief propagation for early vision'.) So, you could see it as having an outer for loop which runs a number of times, and for each iteration of that loop I iterate over half of the entries in the array.

I would like to parallelise the operation of iterating over the array like this, since I believe it would be thread-safe to do so, and of course potentially faster. The operation involved updates values inside the data structures representing the neighbouring pixels, which are not themselves used in a given iteration of the outer loop. Originally I just iterated over the entire array in one go, which meant that it was fairly trivial to carry this out - all I needed to do was put .Parallel between Array and .iteri. Changing to operating on every second array entry is trickier, however.

To make the change from simply iterating over every entry, I from Array.iteri (fun i p -> ... to using for i in startIndex..2..(ArrayLength - 1) do, where startIndex is either 1 or 0 depending on which one I used last (controlled by toggling a boolean). This means though that I can't simply use the really nice .Parallel to make things run in parallel.

I haven't been able to find anything specific about how to implement a parallel for loop in .NET which has a step size greater than 1. The best I could find was a paragraph in an old MSDN document on parallel programming in .NET, but that paragraph only makes a vague statement about transforming an index inside a loop body. I do not understand what is meant there.

I looked at Parallel.For and Parallel.ForEach, as well as creating a custom partitioner, but none of those seemed to include options for changing the step size.

The other option that occurred to me was to use a sequence expression such as

let getOddOrEvenArrayEntries myarray oddOrEven =
    seq {
        let startingIndex =
            if oddOrEven then
        for i in startingIndex..2..(Array.length myarray- 1) do
            yield (i, myarray.[i])

and then using PSeq.iteri from ParallelSeq, but I'm not sure whether it will work correctly with .NET Core 2.2. (Note that, currently at least, I need to know the index of the given element in the array, as it is used as the index into another array during the processing).

How can I go about iterating over every second element of an array in parallel? I.e. iterating over an array using a step size greater than 1?


  • You could try PSeq.mapi which provides not only a sequence item as a parameter but also the index of an item. Here's a small example

    let res = nums
                    |> PSeq.mapi(fun index item -> if index % 2 = 0 then item else item + 1)

    You can also have a look over this sampling snippet. Just be sure to substitute Seq with PSeq