When I do git status
I see something like this:
On branch feature/my_new_feature
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
I'm using repo
, and I kicked off this feature with repo start feature/my_new_feature
, but I was expecting it to be based on origin/feature/feature_release
, which is the branch we do our development on, and I hoped using repo
meant I wouldn't have to jump into git
to patch up basic things like branches...
We're all a bit new with repo
here, so there's a good chance the project has been set up wrongly; where's the best place to start looking?
In the manifest file, the project has a default or specified revision or upstream. In your case, it's develop
. repo sync
is nearly equivalent to git checkout --detach <revision>
and it leads to detached HEAD. repo start feature/my_new_feature
creates a named branch feature/my_new_feature
from <revision>
and sets origin/develop
as its upstream, equivalent to git checkout -b feature/my_new_feature origin/develop && git branch -u origin/develop
If you expect the upstream in git status
to be origin/feature/feature_release
, you should either specify the project's attribute revision
or upstream
in the manifest file as feature/feature_release
, or use git checkout -b feature/my_new_feature origin/feature/feature_release && git branch -u origin/feature/feature_release
in the repository. In the former way feature/feature_release
should already exist in the remote repository, and in the latter origin/feature/feature_release
should already exist in the local repository.