I need to clean my output log with specific fields in command line.
Current code returns all fields, log information in a txt file.
C:\Program Files\7-Zip>7z l "J:\FOLDER\FOLDER\*pattern*" > "C:\Users\me\Desktop\tst.txt"
Listing archive: PATH
Path = path_name
Type = zip
Physical Size = 0000011
Date Size Compressed Name
---- ----- ------- -----
01.07.2019 0 111 file_name
01.07.2019 0 111 file_name
I want my text output to return:
Date | Size | Compressed | Name
01.07.2019 0 111 name
@JosefZ saved the day.
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z" l "J:\FOLDER\FOLDER\*pattern*" | findstr /V /I "^$ ^7-zip ^Scanning ^Listing ^Path ^Type ^Physical ^Comment ^-- file,.*bytes files$ folders$ ^Archives ^Volumes ^Total"