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Proving equivalence of sequence definitions from Applicative and Monad

How can I properly prove that

sequenceA :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => t (f a) -> f (t a)
sequenceA []     = pure []
sequenceA (x:xs) = pure (:) <*> x <*> sequenceA xs

is essentially the same to monad inputs as

sequenceA' :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
sequenceA' [] = return [] 
sequenceA' (x:xs) = do 
                    x'  <- x 
                    xs' <- sequenceA' xs 
                    return (x':xs')

In spite of the constraint Applicative and Monad of course.


  • Here's a proof sketch:

    1. Show that

          x'  <- x
          xs' <- sequenceA' xs
          return (x' : xs')

      is equivalent to

          f1  <- do
              cons <- return (:)
              x'  <- x
              return (cons x')
          xs' <- sequenceA' xs
          return (f1 xs')

      This involves desugaring (and resugaring) do notation and applying the Monad laws.

    2. Use the definition of ap:

      ap m1 m2 = do { x1 <- m1; x2 <- m2; return (x1 x2) }

      to turn the above code into

          f1  <- return (:) `ap` x
          xs' <- sequenceA' xs
          return (f1 xs')

      and then

      return (:) `ap` x `ap` sequenceA' xs
    3. Now you have

      sequenceA' [] = return [] 
      sequenceA' (x:xs) = return (:) `ap` x `ap` sequenceA' xs

      Assume that pure and <*> are essentially the same as return and `ap`, respectively, and you're done.

      This latter property is also stated in the Applicative documentation:

      If f is also a Monad, it should satisfy

      • pure = return

      • (<*>) = ap