I am trying to specify the fields needed by adding the "f" argument to the GET API call (see here: Patentsview API Python 3.4).
I believe the problem is my formatting and syntax.
I've tried adding curly brackets in several different ways to the "q" and "f" arguments. I return different error messages
import requests
title = "computer"
author = "Jobs"
url = "http://www.patentsview.org/api/patents/query"
data = {
"q":{ "_and":[ {"inventor_last_name":author}, {"_text_any":{"patent_title":title}}],
resp = requests.post(url, json=data)
with open("patents.txt", "w") as f:
This is what is returned:
{"status":"error","payload":{"error":"'q' parameter: should only have one json object in the top-level dictionary.","code":"RQ3"}}
I would expect a file with results, not an error message.
There were unbalanced '}' in your script. I corrected them. I have not been able to test whether the changes worked or not. Here is the changed code. I have assumed that those were the only errors.
import requests
title = "computer"
author = "Jobs"
url = "http://www.patentsview.org/api/patents/query"
data = {"q":{ "_and":[ {"inventor_last_name":author}, {"_text_any":{"patent_title":title}}]},"f":["assignee_lastknown_city","assignee_lastknown_state","assignee_lastknown_country"],"o":{"matched_subentities_only":"true"}}
resp = requests.post(url, json=data)
with open("patents.txt", "w") as f:
Please let me know if it worked for you.