I want to format cells that are numeric in this way 1 231 241.45
. I've tried N2
format option:
datagridview1.Columns["col1"].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "N2";
But N2
format puts comma instead of space. I want space as number group separator.
Is it possible to change number group separator?
To change the number group separator in DataGridView
you can create a specific culture and then set its NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator
to new value, then set DefaultCellStyle.FormatProvider
of the DataGridView
to the modified culture:
var culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB");
culture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator = " ";
dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.FormatProvider = culture;
dataGridView1.Columns[1].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "N2";