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IN clause mapping with multiple columns in NHibernate

I am trying to write the Nhibernate ICriteria for the following.

FROM foo 
  (fooKeyColumn1, fooKeyColumn2) IN (
    SELECT barKeyColumn1, barKeyColumn2 
    FROM bar
    WHERE <some conditions>)

If I need to check the IN for one column then I can do it using


but having trouble if I want to check the same for multiple properties like given in the above sql example.

Any NHibernate experts can guide me to accomplish this?

I want to map this subquery in my existing module which developed using ICriteria as a key component.


  • You need custom implementation of SubqueryExpression to achieve it:

    /// <summary>
    /// A comparison between multiple properties in the outer query and the
    ///  result of a subquery
    /// Note: DB support of row value constructor is required
    /// </summary>
    public class MultiPropertiesSubqueryExpression : SubqueryExpression
        private readonly string[] _propertyNames;
        public MultiPropertiesSubqueryExpression(string[] propertyNames, string op, DetachedCriteria dc)
            : base(op, null, dc)
            _propertyNames = propertyNames;
        protected override SqlString ToLeftSqlString(ICriteria criteria, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
            return new SqlString("(", string.Join(", ", _propertyNames.Select(pn => criteriaQuery.GetColumns(criteria, pn)).SelectMany(x => x)), ")");

    And example of usage:

    DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(Bar))
        //.Add(...) //Add some conditions
    var result = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Foo))
                        .Add(new MultiPropertiesSubqueryExpression(new[] {"Prop1", "Prop2"}, "in", detachedCriteria))