Context: I try to set up the LexikPaybox bundle. I followed the installation guide in the readme.
Problem: The $paybox->getUrl()
method raises
Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Empty string supplied as input
Adress returned by:
>>> ""
Then, getWebPage()
(line 163) returns an empty string that is raising the error in $doc->loadHTML()
My research:
There is exactly the same issue here. However, there is no clear answer.
If I run curl
, I get the expected html output.
There are quite a lot of similar post dealing with the above error. However, I don't think this a code error from the module but more something I'm missing.
# Lexik Paybox Bundle
production: false # Switches between Paybox test and production servers (preprod-tpe <> tpe)
# Site number provided by the bank
site: '1999888'
# Rank number provided by the bank
rank: '32'
rang: '32'
# Customer's login provided by Paybox
login: '2'
# Key used to compute the hmac hash, provided by Paybox
key: '0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF'
algorithm: sha512 # signature algorithm
signature_name: Sign # customize the signature parameter name
currencies: # Optionnal parameters, this is the default value
- '978' # EUR
# Lexik Paybox Bundle
resource: '@LexikPayboxBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml'
path: /payment/return/{status}
defaults: { _controller: LexikPayboxBundle:Sample:return, status: error }
status: success|canceled|denied
namespace Modules\ReservationBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
class PaymentController extends Controller {
* Sample action to call a payment.
* It create the form to submit with all parameters.
* @Route("/paiemant", name="paiemant")
public function callAction()
$paybox = $this->get('lexik_paybox.request_handler');
'PBX_CMD' => 'CMD'.time(),
'PBX_DEVISE' => '978',
'PBX_SITE' => '1999888',
'PBX_IDENTIFIANT' => '107904482',
'PBX_RANG' => '32',
'PBX_PORTEUR' => '',
'PBX_RETOUR' => 'Mt:M;Ref:R;Auto:A;Erreur:E',
'PBX_TOTAL' => '1000',
'PBX_EFFECTUE' => $this->generateUrl('lexik_paybox_sample_return', array('status' => 'success'), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
'PBX_REFUSE' => $this->generateUrl('lexik_paybox_sample_return', array('status' => 'denied'), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
'PBX_ANNULE' => $this->generateUrl('lexik_paybox_sample_return', array('status' => 'canceled'), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
'PBX_RUF1' => 'POST',
'PBX_REPONDRE_A' => $this->generateUrl('lexik_paybox_ipn', array('time' => time()), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
// 'PBX_TOTAL' => '1000',
// 'PBX_DEVISE' => '978',
// 'PBX_CMD' => 'CMD'.time(),
// 'PBX_PORTEUR' => '',
// 'PBX_RETOUR' => 'Mt:M;Ref:R;Auto:A;Erreur:E',
return $this->render(
'url' => $paybox->getUrl(),
'form' => $paybox->getForm()->createView(),
* Sample action of a confirmation payment page on witch the user is sent
* after he seizes his payment informations on the Paybox's platform.
* This action must only containts presentation logic.
public function responseAction($status)
return $this->render(
'status' => $status,
'parameters' => $this->getRequest()->query,
As the following solves my issue, I share it. This is not really an answer but might help others people..
The problem is there is no server found in the request. As results, loadHTML
fails on empty string.
Since this error is raised while looking at the servers and checking if they are correct, I just remove the check and directly pass the URL.
So the controller becomes:
public function callAction(){
// Server URL
$paybox_url = "https://".$PAYBOX_DOMAIN_SERVER."/cgi/MYchoix_pagepaiement.cgi";
$paybox = $this->get('lexik_paybox.request_handler');
'PBX_SITE' => "1999888",
'PBX_RANG' => "32",
'PBX_IDENTIFIANT' => "110647233",
'PBX_TOTAL' => "999",
'PBX_DEVISE' => "978",
'PBX_CMD' => "TEST Paybox".mktime(),
'PBX_PORTEUR' => "",
'PBX_RETOUR' => "Mt:M;Ref:R;Auto:A;Erreur:E",
'PBX_HASH' => "SHA512",
'PBX_EFFECTUE' => $this->generateUrl('lexik_paybox_sample_return', array('status' => 'success'), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
'PBX_REFUSE' => $this->generateUrl('lexik_paybox_sample_return', array('status' => 'denied'), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
'PBX_ANNULE' => $this->generateUrl('lexik_paybox_sample_return', array('status' => 'canceled'), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
'PBX_RUF1' => 'POST',
'PBX_REPONDRE_A' => $this->generateUrl('lexik_paybox_ipn', array('time' => time()), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
return $this->render(
'url' => $paybox_url, //$paybox->getUrl(),
'form' => $paybox->getForm()->createView(),
You can still check if the server url is valid by:
public function checkServer($url){
$doc = new \DOMDocument();
$element = $doc->getElementById('server_status');
if (!$element || 'OK' != $element->textContent) {
throw new RuntimeException('No server available.');