So I'm new to haskell and I kind of encountered this following expression which i don't quiet get how it works:
foldr (.) (+3) [(*2), (+5)] 13
it gives out the result: 42
now i know that foldr
normally works in an example like: foldr (+) 0 [1,2,3]
like: (1+(2+(0+3)))
but with adding another function (.)
I kind of got confused.
So please if any of you could explain to me exactly how haskell interprets this expression that would be great, thanks!
Comments might have already solved this for you. However, if not:
(.) is function composition:
f . g
= \x -> f $ g $ x
= \x -> f (g x).
Forms like (* 2)
are sugar for functions of the form \x -> x * 2
Now, observe that
foldr op base [a,b]
is the same as
a `op` (b `op` base)
of course, this works for higher numbers of arguments as well. For instance,
foldr (+) 0 [1,2,3,4,5]
is just
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 0
In your case, you ask about
foldr (.) (+3) [(*2), (+5)]
which is (for Integer
(*2) . (+5) . (+3)
= \x -> (*2) $ (+5) $ (+3) $ x
= \x -> (*2) $ (+5) $ x + 3
= \x -> (*2) $ x + 3 + 5
= \x -> (x + 3 + 5) * 2
= \x -> x*2 + 16
and so
foldr (.) (+3) [(*2), (+5)] 13
= (\x -> x*2 + 16) 13
= 13*2 + 16
= 26 + 16
= 42