The issue is that the moment we start Webpack in a docker container it's not able to find the 'babel-loader` to parse the jsx even though we install the node modules in the container.
I have a docker-compose setup where I have a set of containers including a website where I run Express that renders a React website.
In the current situation we run de docker-compose and run Webpack on our local develop machines and the build.js files get mapped into the container and nodemon restarts the server. This works.
Because sometimes freelancers/new teammembers join this project their local node/npm versions may result in errors when running on the local machine.
This is why we want to spin up a develop container where we run Webpack and map the build files back to the local machine and into the website container.
Note that I'm not trying to have a webpack-dev-server running, it should just listen for changes in src files and output the build files.
# Step 1 : Create a base image
FROM node:12.6 as base
WORKDIR /var/www
# Step 2 : Create all files needed to run the app
FROM base as builder
COPY ./ /var/www
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/
RUN echo "$SSH_KEY" > /root/.ssh/id_rsa
RUN chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
RUN ssh-keyscan > /root/.ssh/known_hosts
# configure the npm env
RUN npm set progress=false
RUN npm i --no-optional
# Step 3 : Final image to export
FROM base
# Copy files from the build step
COPY --from=builder /var/www/ /var/www
CMD [ "npm", "run", "dev" ]
Docker-compose entry
context: './site'
dockerfile: Dockerfile-dev
image: 'boilerplate-develop'
container_name: 'boilerplate-develop'
- ./config/local/.env
restart: 'unless-stopped'
- ./site/src:/var/www/src
const path = require('path')
const nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals')
const {resolve, loaders, plugins,} = require('./webpack/common.config')
const PROD = process.argv.indexOf(`-p`) > 0
const getModule = type => ({
rules: [
test: /\.js|jsx?$/,
exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components|www\/)/,
use: {
loader: `babel-loader`,
options: {
babelrc: false,
configFile: false,
presets: [
forceAllTransforms: PROD,
modules: false,
useBuiltIns: false,
debug: false,
['@babel/preset-react', { development: !PROD }],
plugins: [
...(!PROD ? [] : ['@babel/transform-react-inline-elements']),
...(!PROD ? [] : ['transform-react-remove-prop-types']),
"alias": {
"_scrollPercentage": [
"_components": ["./src/components/components.js"],
"_actionTypes": ["./src/redux/actionTypes.js"],
"_routes": ["./src/components/views/routes.js"],
"_utils": ["./src/utils/utils.js"],
"_view": ["./src/components/views/View.jsx"]
const client = {
entry: {
"js/bundle": [`whatwg-fetch`, `core-js/features/promise`, `./src/client.jsx`,],
"js/intro": `./src/intro.js`,
serviceWorker: `./src/service-worker.js`,
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, `src`, `static`),
filename: PROD ? `[name].[chunkhash].min.js` : `[name].js`,
module: getModule(`client`),
plugins: plugins.client,
stats: 'verbose'
const server = {
target: `node`,
node: {
__dirname: false,
externals: [
modulesFromFile: true,
entry: {
js: `./src/server.js`,
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, `src/server/build`),
filename: PROD ? `server.min.js` : `server.js`,
libraryTarget: `commonjs2`,
module: getModule(`client`),
plugins: plugins.server,
module.exports = [client, server,]
boilerplate-develop | ERROR in ./src/client.jsx 37:4
boilerplate-develop | Module parse failed: Unexpected token (37:4)
boilerplate-develop | You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
boilerplate-develop | |
boilerplate-develop | | const Client = props => (
boilerplate-develop | > <Provider store={store}>
boilerplate-develop | | <Router history={history}>
boilerplate-develop | | <App {...props} history={history} />
boilerplate-develop | @ multi whatwg-fetch core-js/features/promise ./src/client.jsx js/bundle[2]
It seems like your volume is mapped to www
and you are excluding www
in the webpack loader that searches for js
and jsx
Webpack executes the regex commands on the full file path not the relative path.
Try and remove www
from the exlude
property and try again.