I use perl to call system start
that I need to specify the cpu number which I want my program to bind to.
When I use x86 perl, it will launch x86 cmd
to run the start command. This x86 start
doesn't accept the parameter 0x100000000
as it exceeds 32 bit length. If I use a x64 perl, the whole thing works fine because x64 perl launch x64 cmd
which accepts 0x100000000
So how can I launch a x64 cmd
to run the start
command when using a 32-bit perl?
First, I verified that 32bit cmd shell doesn't accept start /affinity 100000000
while 64bit cmd shell does. In 32bit cmd shell, it throws error The system cannot accept the START command parameter 100000000.
Then I tried x64 perl and x86 perl respectively and find x86 perl will get the same error. See commands below.
path/to/x64/perl.exe -e "system qq{start /b /wait /affinity 100000000 my.exe}"
path/to/x86/perl.exe -e "system qq{start /b /wait /affinity 100000000 my.exe}"
Is there any method to launch a x64 shell using x86 perl to excute start?
The File System Redirector
of WOW64 emulator redirects file system paths of %SystemRoot%\system32
to %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64
where %SystemRoot%
is the a system environment variable which refers to the Windows directory e.g. C:\Windows
So normally, the WOW64 processes (32-bit processes running on 64-bit windows) can not access the system32
However, starting with windows Vista, the 32-bit processes can refer to and access the files and folder in the sysetm32
directory by replacing system32
with the special alias SysNative
in the file path.
To launch the x64 cmd shell from a x86 perl instance, you need to explicitly specify the path to the 64-bit cmd.exe by %SystemRoot%\SysNative\cmd.exe
Path_to_x86_perl\perl -e "system $ENV{SystemRoot}.'\sysnative\cmd.exe /x /d /c start /b /wait /affinity 100000000 my.exe'"
Note, however, that this only works on a WOW64 process, So it can not be used as a single one-liner solution for both x86 and x64 versions of perl under Windows. However, you could use the following in a program:
use Config qw( %Config );
my $system = $ENV{SystemRoot} . '\\' . ( $Config{ptrsize} == 4 ? 'SysNative' : 'System32' );