Search code examples

How to make Google custom search API multiple calls by increasing startIndex (start) parameter to show more than 10 results at once in PHP

I have looked many questions similar to this one, but can't find the helpful answer.

As I know, it is not possible to receive more than 10 results from Google custom search API. However, I want to know how do I make multiple calls by increasing startIndex (start) parameter to show more result.

Below is my code to increase the start parameter statically.

$json_string_1 = ''.$api_key.'&cx='.$cx.'&q='.$q.'&start=1';

$jsondata_1 = file_get_contents($json_string_1);
$obj_1 = json_decode($jsondata_1, true);

$json_string_2 = ''.$api_key.'&cx='.$cx.'&q='.$q.'&start=11';

$jsondata_2 = file_get_contents($json_string_2);
$obj_2 = json_decode($jsondata_2, true);

How do I call start parameter dynamically as if I have n number of startIndex OR any way to call this API in a loop so startIndex will auto-increment by 10.


  • I figured it out how to loop API with multiple calls by increasing start and get the complete result at once.

    $count = 200;
    for($page=1; $page < $count; $page=$page+10) { 
        $json_string_1 = ''.$api_key.'&cx='.$cx.'&q='.$q.'&start='.$page;
        $jsondata_1 = file_get_contents($json_string_1);
        $obj_1 = json_decode($jsondata_1, true);
        foreach ($obj_1["items"] as $data) {
            echo $data["title"]."<br>";

    In the above code, get the $count value from the query search results like,

    $totalResults = $data["searchInformation"]["totalResults"];
    $count = $totalResults/10; //per page number of counts are 10