I have limited skills/knowledge of bat files. Basically, I have used them to tidy up a folder for certain file types or to back up files to a dropbox folder.
I now would like to use them to find a file in a certain folder path and copy it to a local drive mirroring the folder path... The folder path has 50 folders and the are over 1000 subfolders.
A couple of examples of the network location:
Each folder contains several files. I am interested in copying a pdf and a CSV from the subfolder to a mirrored folder on my local drive.
I have had a google and XCOPY can't copy folders as wild cards
I would run the bat periodically to update any new files. I can't copy the entire contents of subfolder as they would be too large.
I hope I have given enough info and appreciate any help on this!
Assuming you want to recreatethe folder structure at the destination, then Robocopy is your call.
Robocopy "C:\Source\Reports" "C:\Destination\Reports" *.pdf /S /DCopy:T /NP /MT:64 /R:2 /W:2 /B
The above will copy all PDF files from the Source to the destination and put them in the same subfolders.
You can use the above As-Is in a cmd script, or paste it into the CLI.
If you don't want thefolder structure, than a For
loop is your pal.
However you have tochangeit slightly depending on if you want to use it in the CLI or in aCMD Script
@For /F "Tokens=*" %A IN ('
WHERE /R "C:\Source\Reports" /F "*.pdf"
') DO @(
IF NOT EXIST "C:\Destination\%~nxa" @(
Copy /B /Y /F "%~fA" "C:\Destination\%~nxa"
) ELSE @(
ECHO."C:\Destination\%~nxa" Already Exists, NOT Copying "%~fA" due to conflict!
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
SET "_Src=C:\Source\Reports"
SET "_Dst=C:\Destination"
SET "_FileGlob=*.pdf"
For /F "Tokens=*" %%A IN ('
WHERE /R "%_Src%" /F "%_FileGlob%"
') DO (
IF NOT EXIST "%_Dst%\%%~nxa" (
Copy /B /Y /F "%%~fA" "%_Dst%\%%~nxa"
) ELSE (
ECHO."%_Dst%\%%~nxa" Already Exists, NOT Copying "%%~fA" due to conflict!