A rare case when an iOS app needs to load/execute/unload bundle code on demand. While it works with an Objective-C framework, Swift framework proves to be a hurdle: Bundle.principleClass
consistently returns nil
I have followed the example in this blog post Plugin Architecture in Swift(ish) plus some other sources like this Apple forum post.
What is needed is 3 individual projects (not 3 targets within single project):
FrameworkSwift - framework A
FrameworkObjC - framework B
Main App - loads frameworks on demand
You can checkout the code here:
Xcode project setup:
If you try to build and run, the console will tell the story:
Loaded bundle: FrameworkObjC.framework , principal class: PluginObjC
Loaded bundle: FrameworkSwift.framework , principal class: N/A
A few details about the Swift framework:
The name of the principal class in the Info.plist for the Swift Framework should begin with its module name. In other words, if you change principal class from "PluginSwift" to "FrameworkSwift.PluginSwift in the Info.plist, the call to principalClass will return the class instead of nil.