I currently am processing a bunch of CSV files and transforming them into Parquet. I use these with Hive and query the files directly. I would like to switch over to Dask for my data processing. My data I am reading has optional columns some of which are Boolean types. I know Pandas does not support optional bool types at this time, but is there anyway to specify to either FastParquet or PyArrow what type I would like a field to be? I am fine with the data being a float64 in my DF, but can't have it as such in my Parquet store due to existing files already being an optional Boolean Type.
You should try using the fastparquet
engine, and the following keyword argument
object_encoding={'bool_col': 'bool'}
Also, pandas does now allow boolean columns with nans as an extension type, but it is not yet exactly default. That should work directly.
import fastparquet as fp
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [0, 1, 'nan']})
fp.write('out.parq', df, object_encoding={'a': 'bool'})
fp.write('out.parq', df.astype(float), object_encoding={'a': 'bool'})