I tried the cloudformation template that I found here... https://bl.ocks.org/magnetikonline/c314952045eee8e8375b82bc7ec68e88
It works as expected. But I will like to provide parameters to the post request. My Curl command should look something like this...
curl -d "mynumber=12345" -X POST https://tyin2sswj2.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/mycall
How do I handle it at API gateway in the cloudformation template? I have already set the environment variable at lambda function level.
The template that does not work is this...
As it is clear that I am not able to pass the "mnumber" variable through the gateway.
I have updated my template and now it deploys function and gateway corretly. And still the URL generated does not work and shows "internal server error" message.
You should change to using HTTP proxy integration. Here is some info from AWS on proxy integration: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/getting-started-http-integrations.html
Try changing your RequestParameters from:
method.request.querystring.mnumber: false
method.request.path.proxy: true
and under integration from:
integration.request.querystring.mnumber: "method.request.querystring.mnumber"
integration.request.path.proxy: 'method.request.path.proxy'
This is a good tutorial on proxy integration with API Gateway: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-create-api-as-simple-proxy-for-http.html