I've recently upgraded an old project from Catel 4.3 to Catel 5.0.
The project used the InterestedIn attribute which is no longer supported. I tried replacing it with the IMediator but can't get it to work.
In the ViewModel that Listens I have the following code:
private IMessageMediator _messageMediator;
public CustomerControlViewModel(IMessageMediator messageMediator)
Argument.IsNotNull(() => messageMediator);
_messageMediator = messageMediator;
[MessageRecipient(Tag = "AddCustomerWindowViewModel")]
protected void AddCustomerWindowViewModelExecuted(string value)
if (value == "OnAccept")
And in the sending ViewModel I have:
public AddCustomerWindowViewModel(IMessageMediator messageMediator)
Argument.IsNotNull(() => messageMediator);
_messageMediator = messageMediator;
private void OnAccept()
But when I place a breakpoint on the listener it never hits
I'm missing something, but what?
Just checked the code and unit tests for you.
From what I remember, the view models in Catel should auto-register itself as recipients, but maybe we removed it for performance reasons (opt-in model). Couldn't find anything in the release notes though.
Anyway, try registering (and don't forget to unregister!) the vm manually (I recommend in InitializeAsync and CloseAsync).