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How to read variables from a file decrypted at build time using Google Cloud Build and Google Cloud KMS

I am following this tutorial for getting encrypted keys into my cloudbuild YAML file. I am trying to understand how am I supposed to " use the decrypted ... file in the workspace directory" variables in the subsequent steps of my YAML file.

My cloudbuild step where I decrypt the keys file is as follows:

- name:
  args: ['kms', 'decrypt', '--ciphertext-file=<encrypted_file>', '--plaintext-file=<decrypted_file>', '--location=<location>', '--keyring=<keyring>', '--key=<key>']

The tutorial is not clear on how to do this and I cannot find anything on the Internet related to this.

Any help is very appreciated.



  • When you encrypt your content with gcloud kms encrypt, you can write the output to a file in your workspace, for example:

    # replace with your values
    gcloud kms encrypt \
      --location=global \
      --keyring=my-kr \
      --key=my-key \
      --plaintext-file=./data-to-encrypt \

    Where ./data-to-encrypt is a file on disk that contains your plaintext secret and ./encrypted-data is the destination path on disk where the encrypted ciphertext should be written.

    When working directly with the API, the interaction looks like this:

    plaintext -> kms(encrypt) -> ciphertext

    However, when working with gcloud, it looks like this:

    plaintext-file -> gcloud(read) -> kms(encrypt) -> ciphertext -> gcloud(write)

    When you invoke Cloud Build, it effectively gets a tarball of your application, minus any files specified in a .gcloudignore. That means ./encrypted-data will be available on the filesystem inside the container step:

    # decrypt the value in ./my-secret
    - name:
      - kms
      - decrypt
      - --location=global
      - --keyring=my-kr
      - --key=my-key
      - --ciphertext=file=./encrypted-data
      - --plaintext-file=./my-secret
    - name:
      - my-app start --secret=./my-secret

    At present, the only way to share data between steps in Cloud Build is with files, but all build steps have the same shared filesystem.