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Custom annotation isn't validating method parameter

I created a custom annotation

@Constraint(validatedBy = CheckGranularityValidator.class)
@Target( { ElementType.PARAMETER} )
public @interface CheckGranularity {
    String message() default "Duration has to be a multiple of granularity";
    Class<?>[] groups() default {};
    Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};

With a validator like so

public class CheckGranularityValidator implements ConstraintValidator<CheckGranularity, AssetCostsRequest> {

    public void initialize(final CheckGranularity constraintAnnotation) {


    public boolean isValid(final AssetCostsRequest value, final ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
        return value.getRange().getDuration() % value.getGranularity() == 0;

I tried using it in my RestController

public class CalcApiController extends CalcApi {

public ResponseEntity<String> calcProfitability(@Valid @CheckGranularity @RequestBody final AssetCostsRequest assetCostsRequest) {
    return ResponseEntity.ok("Works");

I tried using this annotation by writing a test:

public void calcTest() {
    final AssetCostsRequest request = new AssetCostsRequest()
        .setRange(new TimeRange(100L, 200L))


Relevant part of AssetCostsRequest:

public class AssetCostsRequest {

    private TimeRange range;

    private Long granularity = 30L;

    ...getters & setters

Test method returns with 200. When I try to set a breakpoint in isValid method, it isn't hit when I run the test. I tried changing order of annotations, getting rid of @Valid, changing @Target in CheckGranularity class, nothing helped. I'm using RestAssured for testing.

How do I make it, so my annotation is properly validating a parameter?


  • Change CheckGranularity's target to ElementType.TYPE and add @CheckGranularity directly on AssetCostsRequest. Also remove @CheckGranularity from endpoint definition.

    How it works. By adding @Valid on endpoint's parameter you tell spring to validate it. Adding validation like @CheckGranularity won't work on the same level as Valid. It has to be added somewhere inside parameters class.