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How to pass access-token in URL after login

I have created a login page, successfully logged in, and fetched an authorization-key, then stored it into local storage. Now, I want to pass the authorization-key in the URL, not in headers, to all requests made after login. How can I do that?


  • I created a stackblitz as an example to use the interceptor to add some params


    Edit: added relevant code

    This is just a basic http request with 1 query param (QuestionService)

    fetchQuestions(topic: string): Observable<any[]> {
        const params = new HttpParams().append('intitle', topic);
        return this.http.get<any[]>("", { params });

    The Interceptor (QuestionInterceptor) adds some other params to the request before submitting it into network

    intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {    
        const params = req.params
          .append('pagesize', String(pagesize))
          .append('site', site)
          .append('order', order)
          .append('sort', sort); // append your auth key here instead of those params
        const cloneReq = req.clone({ params });
        return next.handle(cloneReq);