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How to convert HTML to image in Node.js

I need to convert an HTML template into an image, on a Node server. The server will receive the HTML as a string. I tried PhantomJS (using a library called Webshot), but it doesn't work well with flex box and modern CSS. I tried to use Chrome headless-browser but it doesn't seem to have an API for parsing html, only URL.

What is the currently best way to convert a piece of HTML into image?

Is there a way to use headless Chrome in a template mode instead of URL mode? I mean, instead of doing something like


I need something like:

chrome.evaluate('<div>hello world</div>');

Another option, suggested here in the comments to this post, is to save the template in a file on the server and then serve it locally and do something like:


But this option sounds a bit awkward. Is there any other, more straightforward solution?


  • You can use a library called Puppeteer. Sample code snippet :

     const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
     const page = await browser.newPage();
     await page.setViewport({
         width: 960,
         height: 760,
         deviceScaleFactor: 1,
     await page.setContent(imgHTML);
     await page.screenshot({path: example.png});
     await browser.close();

    This will save a screenshot of the HTML in the root directory.