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Ruby gem to handle recurring calendar events

I want to find a Ruby gem that can work with recurring events that satisfies the following requirements:

  • can process patterns like "Weekly on Tuesday and Wednesday", or "Monthly on the last Tuesday"
  • can compute the next occurrence
  • can serialize/deserialize a pattern into a string to store in the database
  • serialization has a stable format (i.e. it will be able to load even after upgrading)
  • work at least with following pattern components: Time, Day of Week, Date of Month, nth day of week in month;
  • can repeat daily, weekly, monthly or with interval of n days, weeks or months
  • can represent a pattern in natural English language
  • can parse a pattern from English (optional)
  • can export to some popular format like iCal (optional)
  • can integrate with other gems/systems for calendar and task management (optional)
  • support of Active Record - parameter parsing, validation (optional)
  • has enough tests, and few bugs, more then 1 user :)
  • has reasonable performance

I found two relevant candidates:

  • Tickle - this can parse English temporal expressions
  • Ice_Cube(+Schedule-Attributes) - this is the most popular and can export to iCal

Could you suggest a gem (or set of gems) and describe how well it (or they) meet the criteria listed?

(And if I've missed some important criteria, please mention them in your answer.)


  • I end up using Ice_Cube for the following reasons:

    • Most popular
    • can compute next occurence
    • can serialize/deserialize a pattern into string to store in database
    • serialization has stable format (e.i. it will be able to load even after upgrading)
    • work at least with following pattern components: Time, Day Of Week, Date of Month, nth day of week in month;
    • can repeat daily, weekly, monthly or with interval of n days, weeks or months
    • can parse a pattern from English (optional)
    • can export to some popular format like iCal (optional)

    These on my criteria are not fullfilled by it:

    • can represent a pattern in natural English language
    • support of Active Record - parameter parsing, validation (optional)

    This one is not verified:

    • has reasonable performance

    Creating Ice_Cube::Schedule from user input in Rails is not very convinient, but doable:

    class EntryForm < FormModel
      include IceCube
      class_eval &ValidatesTimelinessSupport[{:start_date => :datetime}]
      Units = [Day = 'day', Week = 'week']
      Intervals = %w[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
      Week_Days = [:sunday, :monday, :tuesday, :wednesday, :thursday, :friday, :saturday]
      Days_With_Letters =[S M T W T F S])
      attr_accessible_accessors :interval, :unit, :start_date
      attr_accessible_accessors *Week_Days
      def_delegators :@model, :display_title, :schedule_yaml, :schedule_yaml=
      validates_date :start_date, :allow_blank => true
      validates_inclusion_of :unit, :in => Units
      validates_inclusion_of :interval, :in => Intervals
      validates_inclusion_of :complete, :in => %w[0 1], :allow_blank => true
      Week_Days.each { |day| validates_inclusion_of day, :in => %w[0 1], :allow_blank => true }
      before_edit {
        if not schedule_yaml.blank? and hash = YAML::load(schedule_yaml)
          schedule = Schedule.from_hash(hash)
        if schedule and rule = schedule.rrules.first
          @start_date = schedule.start_date
          rule_hash = rule.to_hash
          @interval = rule_hash[:interval]
          case rule
          when DailyRule
            @unit = Day
          when WeeklyRule
            @unit = Week
            rule_hash[:validations][:day].try :each do |day_index|
              send "#{Week_Days[day_index]}=", 1
          @start_date =
          @interval = 1
          @unit = Day
      before_save {
          sd = @start_date.blank? ?
          i = @interval.to_i
          schedule =
          rule = case @unit
            when Day
              Rule.daily i
            when Week
                select { |day| send(day).to_i == 1 } )
          self.schedule_yaml = schedule.to_yaml