I download SDK from here SDK. The vdovern custom virtual channel Client/Server project is successfully run. Now i want to communication between c# application and vdovern.dll(citrix client driver).
[SendMessage] API use for a send message from c# app to citrix client driver. but sendmessage API need HWND.
How to get window handle(citrix client driver) to send message from c# application to vdovern.dll(citrix client driver)?
Is there any other way to send message to citrix client driver?
Citrix has provided virtual channel sdks, user can download the sdk from citrix website. It comes with some sample code and good documentation. SDKs has 2 components a server side executable and a client driver dll. when this exeutable is launched it loads client side driver in its context and creates a virtual cahnnel. User can pass data from server to client using these 2 components. Steps to build these components are given below: