I am trying to italicize part of my legend elements. I have been able to get the subsets I want italicized using the answer in this OP, but this then creates problems with how the text shows up.
Here is the data (slightly modified):
Behaviour Repeatability Age stage
Activity 0.1 PE A
Activity 0.5 PE2 A
Activity 0.5 PW B
Activity 0.5 A C
Activity 0.4 A2 C
Activity 0.4 PW1 B
Aggression 0.2 PE A
Aggression 0.3 PE2 A
Aggression 0.3 PW B
Aggression 0.4 A C
Aggression 0.3 A2 C
Aggression 0.0 PW1 B
Here is the plot (without the italics):
When I try to italicize the legend text that are in brackets based on this solution, the plot gets messed up:
The code I use to get this plot is below (minus unneeded formatting):
ggplot(df, aes(x = stage, y = Repeatability, shape = Behaviour, colour=Age, linetype=Age)) +
geom_point() +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("#D55E00", "#0072B2", "black", "black", "#CC79A7", "black"), name = "Study", breaks=c("A","A2", "PE", "PE"=="PE2", "PW", "PE"=="PW1"),
(expression("Taylor et al. 2012", paste(italic("\n 366 adults")))),
(expression("Boon et al. 2008", paste(italic("\n (71 adult females)")))),
(expression("This study", paste(italic("\n (102 juveniles)")))),
"This study",
(expression("Kelley et al. 2015", paste(italic("\n (16 yearlings)")))),
"This study")) +
theme(legend.key.size = unit(2.5, 'lines'))
Like mentioned by axeman in the commentary: Multi-line expressions are not well supported. If you use expression with \n
you'll get adjustment problems. This happens, since the ggplot works with the grid maintainers (check this git issue).
You can linebreak in plot's with atop
, which is a r base function and also works for ggplot. The following code is adjusted for your case. The expression is still needed for using italic
ggplot(df, aes(x = stage, y = Repeatability, shape = Behaviour, colour=Age, linetype=Age)) +
geom_point() +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("#D55E00", "#0072B2", "black", "black", "#CC79A7", "black"), name = "Study", breaks=c("A","A2", "PE", "PE"=="PE2", "PW", "PE"=="PW1"),
(expression(atop("Taylor et al. 2012", italic("(366 adults)")))),
(expression(atop("Boon et al. 2008", italic("(71 adult females)")))),
(expression(atop("This study", italic("(102 juveniles)")))),
(expression(atop("Kelley et al. 2015", italic("(16 yearlings)")))),
theme(legend.key.size = unit(2.5, 'lines'))
By default your labels get centered now, since atop
creates a formula expression.
If you want to use your expression
with paste
you can do it like this:
(expression(paste("Taylor et al. 2012 \n", italic("(366 adults)"))))
but this occurs in wrong adjustment of the linebreak.