I'm setting up slim router v4, and I'd like to be be able to dynamically call the controller methods, using the placeholder from the route.
I.e when a request is made to 'example.com/users/{action}', the router would call the method from Users.php controller automatically without me having to specify the routes manually.
Basically I'm trying to avoid manually adding over 100 group->get(...) when they're all under /user route.
namespace core\router;
use Slim\Interfaces\RouteCollectorProxyInterface;
use app\controllers\users;
$app->group('/user', function(RouteCollectorProxyInterface $group){
$group->get('/get-name', '\Users:name')
$group->get('/get-personality', '\Users:personality');
Further explanation is provided here but I'm not sure how to go about this.
The way I would suggest doing this is having a single, catch all route with a placeholder. You can then set action to an invocable controller, and execute a method based on the route parameter.
$app->get('/user/{method}', Users::class);
class Users
public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response, $args)
if (empty($args['method'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException();
$methodName = toCamelCase($args['method']);
if (!method_exists($this, $methodName)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException();
return $this->{$methodName};
public function getName(Request $request, Response $response)
// ...
public function getPersonality(Request $request, Response $response)
// ...