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Cannot subtract negative numbers after declaring one a minimum using bash

The script I am editing takes data from nearly 100 files and pools it into a single file. I am now in the process of trying to process that data. I can pull and pool the data with no problem, my problem comes when it is time to process it.

I am trying to do two things. I would like to find the minimum value of the negative numbers in column 3 and then subtract that minimum value from each value in column 3 and print the results in a new column titled "rel". Currently, I am successfully finding the minimum value but I can't get the subtraction to work.

My input file (titled allRE3) looks like this:

file Gibbs kcal
RR0.out -1752.142111    -1099486.696073 
RR1.out -1752.141887    -1099486.555511 
RR4.out -1752.140564    -1099485.725315 
RR3.out -1752.140319    -1099485.571575 
RR5.out -1752.138532    -1099484.450215 
RR6.out -1752.138493    -1099484.425742 

Currently, the code I am using looks like this:

min=`awk 'BEGIN{a=0}{if ($3<0+a) a=$3} END{print a}' allRE3` 
awk 'NR == 1 { $5 = "rel" } NR >= 3 { $5 = $3 - $min } 1' < allRE3 >finalE

With that code I am getting finalE as a new file (which is desired) and it having the following contents:

file Gibbs kcal  rel
RR0.out -1752.142111 -1099486.696073    
RR1.out -1752.141887 -1099486.555511  -1.09949e+06
RR4.out -1752.140564 -1099485.725315  -1.09949e+06
RR3.out -1752.140319 -1099485.571575  -1.09949e+06    

What I want to get is below and I would like for it to be in a new file titled "finalE".

file Gibbs kcal  rel
RR0.out -1752.142111 -1099486.696073  0.00000
RR1.out -1752.141887 -1099486.555511  0.140562
RR4.out -1752.140564 -1099485.725315  0.970758
RR3.out -1752.140319 -1099485.571575  1.124498


  • awk is not bash (or any other shell), it's a completely different tool with it's own syntax, semantics, and variables. You can't set a shell variable to be the value of the ouytput of one awk script and then use that shell variable within another awk script. See for how to use the value of a shell variable in an awk script but you don't need to do that as you should just be using one awk script for everything:

    $ cat tst.awk
    NR==FNR {
        if ( NR > 1 ) {
            min = ( (NR==2) || ($3 < min) ? $3 : min )
    { print $0, ( FNR==1 ? "rel" : sprintf("%0.6f",$3 - min) ) }
    $ awk -f tst.awk file file
    file Gibbs kcal rel
    RR0.out -1752.142111    -1099486.696073  0.000000
    RR1.out -1752.141887    -1099486.555511  0.140562
    RR4.out -1752.140564    -1099485.725315  0.970758
    RR3.out -1752.140319    -1099485.571575  1.124498
    RR5.out -1752.138532    -1099484.450215  2.245858
    RR6.out -1752.138493    -1099484.425742  2.270331