Setting a simple cookie with Hapi.
return h.redirect('http://localhost:3000/handle-login').state('tester', { authToken, refreshToken })
It breaks.
Error: Invalid cookie value: [object Object]
at exports.Definitions.internals.Definitions.internals.Definitions.format...
refreshToken and authToken are just strings.
Seems this is a common issue with Hapi
But no real solutions other than disabling some error configs in the server (sounds like a bad idea to me)
How can I make Hapi happy with simple cookie handling?
If you are storing a cookie as a JSON, you need to set the encoding
attribute when you configure the server:
server.state('tester', {
ttl: null,
isSecure: true,
isHttpOnly: true,
encoding: 'base64json',
clearInvalid: true,
strictHeader: true