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How to use "std_logic" after package/package body declaration?

I am trying to get better with VHDL, therefore i wanted to try to implement the functions "package ... is" and "package body ... is". When i do this it seems like "std_logic" can't see the contents of the IEEEE library in the step of the GHDL Analysis.

So far i tried the commands with and without code in them -> Same result. Without the "package"-lines it works like a charme...but i won't be able to extend it like planned.

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

package run is
    -- some package definitions
end run;

package body run is
    -- the body
end run;

entity andfunc is
    Port( A : in std_logic;
        B : in std_logic;
        C : out std_logic
end andfunc;

architecture Behavioral of andfunc is
    C <= A and B ;
end Behavioral;

The specific Error Message is: "[...] error: no declaration for "std_logic"

Looking forward to your answers.


  • The scope (the visibility) of library and use is not the entire file. After a package you have to recall them if you still need them. In order to work your code should be:

    library IEEE;
    use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
    package run is
        -- some package definitions
    end run;
    package body run is
        -- the body
    end run;
    library IEEE;
    use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
    entity andfunc is
        Port( A : in std_logic;
            B : in std_logic;
            C : out std_logic
    end andfunc;
    architecture Behavioral of andfunc is
        C <= A and B ;
    end Behavioral;