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"How to consolidate Values present in Unique Rownames" and add a row containing their Sum

I want to append 2 Rows (Yes/No) for Each Unique Session name.

Eg: Take 1st Session
I want to Add 2 Rows Yes and No which comprises of values as stated below

Yes -> "On Duty + Attended + Online Prescence" => 25+30+40 = 95
No -> "Did Not Attend => 10.

Is there any way to do it in Python.

My input is given below

`First Level


My Final output Should Look like thisFinal Level


  • Here is an idea via dplyr with only fault that the Yes and No appear at the top of each group,

    df %>% 
     group_by(Name, grp = cumsum(Status == 'Did not attend')) %>% 
     summarise(count = sum(count)) %>% 
     ungroup() %>% 
     select(-grp) %>% 
     mutate(Status = rep(c('Yes', 'No'), length(unique(Name)))) %>% 
     bind_rows(df) %>% 

    which gives,

    # A tibble: 17 x 3
        Name count Status         
       <dbl> <dbl> <chr>          
     1     1    95 Yes            
     2     1    10 No             
     3     1    25 On Duty        
     4     1    30 Attended       
     5     1    40 Online Presence
     6     1    10 Did not attend 
     7     2   110 Yes            
     8     2    20 No             
     9     2    20 On Duty        
    10     2    50 Attended       
    11     2    40 Online Presence
    12     2    20 Did not attend 
    13     3    26 Yes            
    14     3    11 No             
    15     3    11 On Duty        
    16     3    15 Attended       
    17     3    11 Did not attend


    structure(list(Name = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3), Status = c("On Duty", 
    "Attended", "Online Presence", "Did not attend", "On Duty", "Attended", 
    "Online Presence", "Did not attend", "On Duty", "Attended", "Did not attend"
    ), count = c(25, 30, 40, 10, 20, 50, 40, 20, 11, 15, 11)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 