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Map instead of Set for relationship in Neo4j OGM

In the Neo4j OGM tutorial, I see that only Set have been used for mapping relationships. Is it possible to use a map ?

Consider the following example

Suppose I have a class as follows:

    public class Person {
       String idCardNumber;

        Map <String, Car> cars;

    public class Car{
       String plateNumber;
       String color;

How to define a relationship from the class Person and Car given the it's a map that is being used in the class Person ?


  • As mentioned by @meistermeier, this is not directly possible. But I uses a hack as in my case what i only need is to be able to persist the object directly in the database using Neo4j OGM. In short, i use a set and put the objects in it just before persisting the an instance of class Person. The codes are available below:

        public class Person {
           String idCardNumber;
            Map <String, Car> cars;
            @Relationship(type = "hasCar",direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
            Set <Car> finalCars;
            public void beforeSave(){
                     finalCars = new HashSet<>(cars.values());
        public class Car{
           String plateNumber;
           String color;

    Then, just before saving the Person object in the database, the cars are loaded in the set finalCars. This can be done directly in the method responsible for persisting a Person by calling beforeSave() on the insatance.