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How to use Pivot table with date column

I have a table in which information about a machine running time.

This is how the table looks like:

Date canot be fixed. (Base on seach condition date period) :

MachineCODE  DATE        RUNNING
CNC001    2019-01-04    10
CNC001    2019-02-04    10
CNC002    2019-02-04    20
CNC003    2019-04-04     5
CNC004    2019-05-04     5

Is it possible to get output like this:

Itemcode   01/04/2019    02/04/2019  03/04/2019  04/04/2019   05/04/2019
CNC001        10             10    
CNC002                       20  
CNC003                                                5
CNC004                                                             5

But after doing some research in Google, I have found out its possible using pivot table... Could you please help ?


  • Use PIVOT:

    Oracle Setup:

    CREATE TABLE table_name ( MachineCODE, "DATE", RUNNING ) AS
    SELECT 'CNC001', DATE '2019-01-04', 10 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 'CNC001', DATE '2019-02-04', 10 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 'CNC002', DATE '2019-02-04', 20 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 'CNC003', DATE '2019-04-04',  5 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 'CNC004', DATE '2019-05-04',  5 FROM DUAL


    SELECT *
    FROM   table_name
      DATE '2019-01-04' AS "2019-01-04",
      DATE '2019-02-04' AS "2019-02-04",
      DATE '2019-03-04' AS "2019-03-04",
      DATE '2019-04-04' AS "2019-04-04",
      DATE '2019-05-04' AS "2019-05-04"
    ) )


    MACHINECODE | 2019-01-04 | 2019-02-04 | 2019-03-04 | 2019-04-04 | 2019-05-04
    :---------- | ---------: | ---------: | ---------: | ---------: | ---------:
    CNC001      |         10 |         10 |       null |       null |       null
    CNC002      |       null |         20 |       null |       null |       null
    CNC003      |       null |       null |       null |          5 |       null
    CNC004      |       null |       null |       null |       null |          5

    db<>fiddle here