I am trying to write a Pseudo-Code for a MapReduce technique where I need to find the number of occurrence of characters in the document. For example:
: 1000 times, M
: 5000 times, "": 3000 times,
: 100 times, .
:20000 times etc.
Can someone please let me know if this is this correct or I can make it better?
I have written the Pseudo-Code as shown below:
def Map(documentName, documentContent)
For Character in documentContent
EmitIntermediate(Character, 1)
def Reduce(Character, Counts)
Char_Count = 0
For count in Counts
Char_Count += count
I referred some of the online available Pseudo-Code for map-reduce technique and wrote this one. For example, they have used to the following Pseudo-Code to find the number of occurrence of the word in a document:
def map(documentName, documentContent):
for line in documentContent:
words = line.split(" ")
for word in words:
EmitIntermediate(word, 1)
def reduce(word, counts):
wordCount = 0
for count in counts:
wordCount += count
Emit(word, wordCount)
def Map(documentName, documentContent)
For line in documentContent
Line_String = line
For Charcter in Line_String
EmitIntermediate(Character, 1)
def Reduce(Character, Counts)
Char_Count = 0
For count in Counts
Char_Count += count