I've created a share extension target for an ad-hoc-distributed target in Xcode. In order to share user defaults between the main app and the extension, I've enabled the app group capability for both targets, adding a new app group.
Now, when I view the share target in the project configuration view, I see the following errors:
Provisioning profile "my adHoc profile" doesn't support the App Groups capability.
Provisioning profile "my adHoc profile" doesn't support the App Group.
Provisioning profile "my adHoc profile" doesn't include the my app group groups entitlement.
This makes sense; when I view the capabilities tab for the target and expand the app groups entitlement, my new app group is highlighted in red, and the following errors display underneath it:
Add the App Groups feature to your App ID
Provisioning profile "my adHoc profile" doesn't support the App Groups capability
Add App Groups to your App ID
Provisioning profile "my adHoc profile" doesn't support the App Groups capability
But when I navigate to developer.apple.com -> Account -> Certificates, IDs & Profiles -> Identifiers -> My share extension App ID -> App Groups -> Configure, I don't see the App Group that I created.
How can I add my group to the developer console so that I can select it as a group for my App ID, so that it becomes available on my provisioning profile?
Found it!
App Groups exist at the same (top) hierarchy as other identifiers. So to add a new one, I navigated to developer.apple.com
-> Account
-> Certificates, IDs & Profiles
-> Identifiers
, and then clicked the plus button, and then selected "App Groups" as the type of identifier.
Here's the plus button to add a new identifier:
And here's where I chose to add an app group:
After that, I just entered a name and description for the app group as per my needs.