The singletons library seems too difficult to deal with it without strong background. Is there any way to convert level typed list like '[1, 2, 3]
into chain of pairs like '(1, '(2, '(3, '())))
I've tried to write few lines but they produce expressionless for me errors.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeInType #-}
module ExpandList where
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.List
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.Tuple
type family IntoChainOfPairs (xs :: [k]) :: (k, b) where
IntoChainOfPairs (x ': '[]) = '(x, '())
IntoChainOfPairs (x ': xs) = '(x, IntoChainOfPairs xs)
sIntoChainOfPairs :: forall a (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (IntoChainOfPairs t)
sIntoChainOfPairs = \case
SCons a SNil -> STuple2 a STuple0
SCons a b -> STuple2 a (sIntoChainOfPairs b)
So I stacked in fundamental misunderstanding. Compiler doesn't understand me, I don't understand it. I'm sure my code is wrong at the root.
The type of IntoChainOfPairs
's result should change with the input. Therefore, there are actually two functions, one type ToPairsType (xs :: [a]) :: Type
—computing the output type from the input—and one type ToPairs (xs :: [a]) :: ToPairsType xs
—actually computing the output.
type family ToPairsType (xs :: [a]) :: Type where
ToPairsType '[] = ()
ToPairsType ((_ :: a) : xs) = (a, ToPairsType xs)
type family ToPairs (xs :: [a]) :: ToPairsType xs where
ToPairs '[] = '()
ToPairs (x : xs) = '(x, ToPairs xs)
You defined a single partial function, where b
was an argument to IntoChainOfPairs
. You really wrote
type family IntoChainOfPairs (k :: Type) (b :: Type) (xs :: [k]) :: (k, b) where
IntoChainOfPairs k () (x : '[]) = '(x, '())
IntoChainOfPairs k (k, b') (x : xs) = '(x, IntoChainOfPairs k b' xs)
Where you had partial pattern matching on b
, with nonlinear matching on k
. Additionally, the unnatural (partial!) list-processing does not help. You can sorta-maybe-painfully get value-level case
on Type
s, using the Typeable
infrastructure, for writing sIntoChainOfPairs
, but I would not advise it. Really, IntoChainOfPairs
is just broken.
is written as a direct "reflection" of ToPairs
sToPairs :: forall (a :: Type) (xs :: [a]). Sing xs -> Sing (ToPairs xs)
sToPairs SNil = STuple0
sToPairs (SCons x xs) = STuple2 x (sToPairs xs)