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Pretty summaries for statistical models

I am looking for a pretty way to see the statistical model summaries in R. In the following example, I want to see cyl_6 or cyl.6 instead of cyl6. How can I do that?


mean_mpg <- mean(mtcars$mpg)

# creating a new variable that shows that Miles/(US) gallon is greater than the mean or not

mtcars <-
  mtcars %>%
  mutate(mpg_cat = ifelse(mpg > mean_mpg, 1,0))

mtcars$cyl <- as.factor(mtcars$cyl)

model <-
mtcars %>%
  select (cyl,vs, am, mpg_cat) %>%

  glm(formula = mpg_cat ~ .,
      data = ., family = "binomial")


enter image description here


  • I can think of one way to do this but it's pretty clunky: change the contrasts attribute for cyl (and any other factors you want to include) before running the model:

    mtcars$cyl <- as.factor(mtcars$cyl)
    cont = contrasts(mtcars$cyl)
    colnames(cont) = paste0("_", colnames(cont))
    contrasts(mtcars$cyl) = cont
    model <-
        mtcars %>%
        select (cyl,vs, am, mpg_cat) %>%
        glm(formula = mpg_cat ~ .,
            data = ., family = "binomial")


    # A tibble: 5 x 5
      term        estimate std.error  statistic p.value
      <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>   <dbl>
    1 (Intercept)   22.9      24034.  0.000953    0.999
    2 cyl_6        -22.4      12326. -0.00182     0.999
    3 cyl_8        -44.5      23246. -0.00191     0.998
    4 vs            -1.59     13641. -0.000117    1.000
    5 am             0.201    13641.  0.0000147   1.000

    If you wanted this behaviour by default, I guess you could write a modified version of contr.treatment that sets the column names how you want and then set that as the default with options(contrasts = ...)? I haven't tested if that works.