I have two dataframes. The first one (let's call it A) has a column (let's call it 'col1') whose elements are lists of strings. The other one (let's call it B) has a column (let's call it 'col2') whose elements are strings. I want to do a join between these two dataframes where B.col2 is in the list in A.col1. This is one-to-many join.
Also, I need the solution to be scalable since I wanna join two dataframes with hundreds of thousands of rows.
I have tried concatenating the values in A.col1 and creating a new column (let's call it 'col3') and joining with this condition: A.col3.contains(B.col2). However, my understanding is that this condition triggers a cartesian product between the two dataframes which I cannot afford considering the size of the dataframes.
def joinIds(IdList):
return "__".join(IdList)
joinIds_udf = udf(joinIds)
pnr_corr = pnr_corr.withColumn('joinedIds', joinIds_udf(pnr_corr.pnrCorrelations.correlationPnrSchedule.scheduleIds)
pnr_corr_skd = pnr_corr.join(skd, pnr_corr.joinedIds.contains(skd.id), how='inner')
This is a sample of the join that I have in mind:
dataframe A:
dataframe B:
listColumn valueColumn
["a","b","c"] a
["a","b","c"] b
["a","b"] a
["a","b"] b
["d","e"] d
I don't know if there is an efficient way to do it, but this gives the correct output:
import pandas as pd
from itertools import chain
df1 = pd.Series([["a","b","c"],["a","b"],["d","e"]])
df2 = pd.Series(["a","b","d"])
result = [ [ [el2,list1] for el2 in df2.values if el2 in list1 ]
for list1 in df1.values ]
result_flat = list(chain(*result))
result_df = pd.DataFrame(result_flat)
You get:
In [26]: result_df
0 1
0 a [a, b, c]
1 b [a, b, c]
2 a [a, b]
3 b [a, b]
4 d [d, e]
Another approach is to use the new explode()
method from pandas>=0.25 and merge like this:
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [["a","b","c"],["a","b"],["d","e"]]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'col2': ["a","b","d"]})
df1_flat = df1.col1.explode().reset_index()
df_merged = pd.merge(df1_flat,df2,left_on='col1',right_on='col2')
df_merged['col2'] = df1.loc[df_merged['index']].values
df_merged.drop('index',axis=1, inplace=True)
This gives the same result:
col1 col2
0 a [a, b, c]
1 a [a, b]
2 b [a, b, c]
3 b [a, b]
4 d [d, e]