I have four tables:
How would I get each batch worked for each user, the total elapsed from each batch log for those batch ids and the total estimate from each task id for that batch?
id estimated_nonrecurring estimated_recurring batch_id
id operation_id date_entered
id userid batch_id time_elapsed
id name
I'm thinking:
get each user;
get a list of distinct batch_ids that they worked on;
get a sum of all the time_elapsed from each batch_log for those batch id;
get all the non_recurring and the recurring for each task with each batch_id;
so that the result is like
userid, operation, batch_id, total_elapsed, total_estimate, date_entered
The reasoning for doing this is so that it can be possible to rate the users on how productive they are and use these queries in excel. I think I may have to go with two queries:
Something like:
SELECT bl.UserId, b.name, t.estimate
FROM batch_log as bl
JOIN batches as b
ON b.id = bl.batch_id
JOIN task as t
ON t.id = b.task_id
WHERE bl.UserId = 123
Hard to say without any sort of table structure to go by.