I want to add a TipJar
to my apps using the TipJarViewController pod
In the instructions for the pod it says:
Before you can use TipJarViewController in your app, you'll first need to create a few IAPs in iTunes Connect--2 subscription IAPs and 5 one-time IAPs.
Which AppStoreConnect
option to choose for one-time IAPs so that the user can leave a tip?
I was going to select Non-Consumable but it says:
A product that is purchased once and does not expire or decrease with use
Wouldn't a one time tip expire? It's not very clear even though Apple now allows tip jars. I'd expect it to have an option for "tips or donations"
I would've asked the pod author but sometimes they take a while to respond and I'm sure other devs on here would eventually have the same question.
I choose Consumable because it's only used once and depleted