After linkage, a dylib's name seems to be embedded into it's binary code (similar to the SONAME tag under Linux). Is it possible to change this field retrospectively?
I have a dylib which I want to package as an iOS framework. Building a project which uses the framework under XCode works fine. However, if I try to install it to a device, I get the following error (from the device log)
codeSigningInfoByValidatingResources:performingOnlineAuthorization:ignoringCachedSigningInfo:checkingTrustCacheIfApplicable:error:]: 817: Code signing identifier DYLIB_NAME does not match bundle identifier BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER
I have found that the error disappears if I change the dylib name to match the bundle identifier at link time, i.e. calling
clang++ -shared -Wl,-dylib {OBJECT_FILES} -o BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER
Simply renaming the dylib does not solve the problem. Indeed, if I open the dylib in a hex editor, I can see that BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER is embedded into the binary. However, I was not able to find a corresponding tag if I use e.g. otool (I am no expert though, so maybe I was just using the wrong parameters). Do to build system restrictions, I would like to create the dylib with a different name and change it to the bundle identifier later.
Your issue is likely about this identifier, which is stored in the code signature blob (using CFNetwork.framework
for demo):
$ codesign -dvv CFNetwork 2>&1 | egrep ^Identifier
You can change that with the codesign -i
flag. From the man page:
-i, --identifier identifier
During signing, explicitly specify the unique identifier string that is embedded in
code signatures. If this option is omitted, the identifier is derived from either
the Info.plist (if present), or the filename of the executable being signed, possi-
bly modified by the --prefix option. It is a very bad idea to sign different pro-
grams with the same identifier.
Note that this is separate from the "library identification name", which is stored in a load command (i.e. the Mach-O header):
$ otool -l CFNetwork | fgrep -B1 -A5 LC_ID_DYLIB
Load command 5
cmdsize 88
name /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/CFNetwork (offset 24)
time stamp 1 Thu Jan 1 01:00:01 1970
current version 0.0.0
compatibility version 1.0.0
That one you can change with install_name_tool -id
(though you'll have to do that before signing, or it will invalidate the signature). Again from the man page:
-id name
Changes the shared library identification name of a dynamic shared library to
name. If the Mach-O binary is not a dynamic shared library and the -id option is
specified it is ignored.