I have a problem when I try to create a view using a procedure. I have to do that because I need to make a pivot in MySQL, converting rows of a table in columns of another. The query works great, but when I put it in the "CREATE VIEW" statement it gives me error.
Here is the query with CREATE view
SET @sql = NULL;
'MAX(IF(formazioni_persone.id_formazione = ',
', true, false)) AS "',
) INTO @sql
FROM formazioni;
SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT persone.*, ', @sql, ' FROM persone INNER JOIN formazioni_persone ON persone.id = formazioni_persone.id_persona GROUP BY persone.id');
PREPARE stmt1 FROM @sql;
EXECUTE stmt1;
The query without CREATE VIEW Untitled
AS works great
The query without CREATE VIEW Untitled
AS works great. I already tried to create a TEMP TABLE inside the CREATE VIEW, but nothing. Also tried to use delimiters like that, but nothing
SET @sql = NULL;
'MAX(IF(formazioni_persone.id_formazione = ',
', true, false)) AS "',
) INTO @sql
FROM formazioni;
SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT persone.*, ', @sql, ' FROM persone INNER JOIN formazioni_persone ON persone.id = formazioni_persone.id_persona GROUP BY persone.id');
PREPARE stmt1 FROM @sql;
EXECUTE stmt1;
END $$
Error: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SET @sql = NULL' at line 2, Time: 0.082000s
A VIEW is not a procedure. A VIEW is only a single SELECT statement, which must have fixed columns at the time you define the VIEW. You can't make a VIEW that is also a procedure.
Sorry, if you need a pivot-table, you need to specify the values for each column in the query. You can't make a SELECT query or a VIEW that dynamically adds more columns as it finds potential future values.
And you can't define a VIEW that runs an arbitrary block of procedure code anyway. That would require a procedure.
You should just use the solutions that are already shown in questions like MySQL - Rows to Columns
There are no other shortcuts or workarounds.
By the way, all SQL databases have this restriction, not just MySQL.
Re your question:
I'm looking for a solution that doesn't require manual update of the query
A pivot-table query must have as many columns in the select-list as the number of columns you want it to return. There is no way to make an SQL query that expands the number of columns dynamically as a result of the data it reads at execute time.
The only way you can make a single query that returns all the data is to NOT do a pivot-table query, and instead return all the data in rows, not columns.
SELECT p.*, f.titolo, pf.id_persona IS NOT NULL AS ha_formazioni
FROM persone AS p
CROSS JOIN formazioni AS f
LEFT OUTER JOIN formazioni_persone AS fp ON fp.id_formazioni AND fp.id_persona = p.id
This will return one row for each formazioni
per persone
. Then you must write code in your application to loop over all the rows of the reesult, and format the data in columns in the manner you want.