I am trying to create an installer for an outlook add-in built in VS 2019 Community. I am using the setup extension. It works on my local computer but only because it is the device the VSTO was created on. My problem is create it work universally. When I check the add-in location that works locally, it is pointing to the VSTO in my visual studio project.
I have added the primary project output to the Application Folder in the File System setting, and I have changed the Register property to vsdrpCOM.
It works locally like I mentioned, but I need it to work universally. It does produce a setup.exe and setup.msi as well. I know it is something little I am missing but I thought I would turn to the community for some help.
First of all, make sure that you included all the required prerequisites to the add-in installer. This is the first point to check among others.
Make sure that you did steps described in the Deploy an Office solution by using Windows Installer article.