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Replace mosquitto.conf file with bbappend?

I have a layer meta-test where I have created a mosquitto_%.bbappend for customizing the default mosquitto.conf file which is created by the meta-openembedded layer's recipe. My bbappend file looks like this:

FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"  
SRC_URI += "file://mosquitto.conf"

The image builds without error but the mosquitto.conf is not replaced. What I have observed is the above process replaces mosquitto.conf only if it present in any of the main layers but since the file only installs this, and since this file is not present in any layers,how do I overwrite this file? This file gets generated in /etc/mosquitto directory. This is the bitbake file I want to overwrite:


  • In addition to Nayfe's answer I want to add this. I solved it by the task do_install_append where I have made some changes compared to the meta-openembedded's mosquitto recipe. I have moved my mosquitto.conf from the working directory to the destination directory which replaces the original conf file.

     do_install_append() {
         install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/mosquitto
         install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/mosquitto.conf \