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TurfJS get bbox given two Points

I'm trying to move a client side method on the backend:

The client side method is using TurfJS and Leaflet to perform some operations. The only problem is that server side (nodejs) window is not available, hence I cannot use Leaflet.

I'm looking for a way to transform this piece of code in the vanilla Turf equivalent:

    const pointA = turf.point([originCoords.lng,]);
    const pointB = turf.destination.default(pointA, 50, 45, { units: 'kilometers' });

    // here I'm using leaflet to get a BBox
    const latLngBounds = L.latLngBounds(
        L.latLng(pointB.geometry.coordinates[1], pointB.geometry.coordinates[0]),

    // using that BBox I then create the rectangle, again with leaflet
    tile = L.rectangle(latLngBounds);

I'm still newbie with this whole GeoJSON thing, and maybe I'm missing something, can someone help me?


  • Here is the code that uses Turf.JS only.

    var turf = require('@turf/turf');
    var pointA = turf.point([-75.343, 39.984]);
    var pointB = turf.destination(pointA, 50, 45, { units: 'kilometers' });
    //create a bbox that extends to include all the features
    var bbx = turf.bbox(turf.featureCollection([pointA, pointB]));
    var pgn = turf.bboxPolygon(bbx);  //convert it to Polygon feature
    console.log(JSON.stringify(pgn)); //output to console

    The output:


    Edit 1

    Add ability to run the code:

    //var turf = require('@turf/turf');
    var pointA = turf.point([-75.343, 39.984]);
    var pointB = turf.destination(pointA, 50, 45, { units: 'kilometers' });
    //create a bbox that extends to include all the features
    var bbx = turf.bbox(turf.featureCollection([pointA, pointB]));
    var pgn = turf.bboxPolygon(bbx);  //convert it to Polygon feature
    console.log(JSON.stringify(pgn)); //output to console
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