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Angular Material does not seem to work in StackBlitz

While trying to replicate another issue I am having, I tried to use StackBlitz to replicate.

However Angular Material does not seem to work on StackBlitz.... any advice or ideas on what I might be doing wrong?


That link is now in working order. The problem was I didn't include styles import.


  • styles.css

    needs a theme, e.g.

    @import '@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/deeppurple-amber.css';

    See -


    In case any one else lands here with different issues I'll add common issues getting Stackblitz to work with Angular Materials:

    Note that the each component has an up-to-date stackblitz - the link for each is on the Examples tab on the far right for each component e.g enter image description here


    1. Check Theme is on styles.css
    2. Check if hammer.js is required (see any note in italics on API tab), if so add import 'hammerjs'; to polyfills.ts. Note in your application you will do so in your app's entry point (e.g. src/main.ts). See the Getting Started guide on the website
    3. Make sure to import BrowserAnimationsModule
    4. Make sure to import relevant modules for the particular component from material eg import {MatAutocompleteModule} from '@angular/material/autocomplete';. The examples on the website import everthing en masse. My strategy when I only want to import exactly what is required has been to import the module shown on the API tab and then google the error message e.g. mat-form-field must contain a MatFormFieldControl and find stackoverflow answer to know MatInputModule is missing.