I am trying to run a hyperparameter optimization (using spearmint) on a big network with lots of trainable variables. I am worried that when I try a network with the number of hidden units too large, the Tensorflow will throw a GPU memory error.
I was wondering if there is a way of catching the GPU memory error thrown by Tensorflow and skip the batch of hyperparameters that causes the memory error.
For example, I would like something like
import tensorflow as tf
dim = [100000,100000]
X = tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal( dim, stddev=0.1 ) )
with tf.Session() as sess:
except Exception as e :
print e
When I try above to test the memory error exception, the code breaks and just prints the GPU memory error and does not progress to the except block.
Try this :
import tensorflow as tf
with tf.device("gpu:0"):
a = tf.Variable(tf.ones((10000, 10000)))
sess = tf.Session()
print("Caught error")
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
source : https://github.com/yaroslavvb/stuff/blob/master/gpu_oom.py